Getting the attention of world leaders at G7 summits is difficult. Particularly if the subject is the urgent need to address global carbon emissions. That's why Project Everyone commissioned us to make a short film with our iconic carbon bubbles to show at the 44th G7 summit 2018 in Charlevoix, Quebec, Canada in June 2018.
The model of Toronto city is used as a real-life scaling landscape to show the rate of global greehouse gas emissions in realtime. The film begins with 1000 metric tonne bubbles of carbon dioxide appearing in real-time. In 13 minutes the rate of production is 1 million metric tonnes of CO2 and in a day the global rate of production is 112 million metric tons.
The film demonstrates the urgent climate action that world leaders need to take in reducing global carbon emissions, and urges them to keep to their reduction targets by 2030 and beyond. As well as showing the exponential decrease needed (halved then halved again) the film also shows the benefits of reduction in terms of the Global Goals - including reducing energy costs by 75% and preventing more than 4 million air pollution related deaths.
“This film contextualises the scale of the greenhouse gas emission reductions the world needs to make. Importantly, it also explains that making this effort has enormous benefits that will accrue in tandem with these reductions. We want to impress upon everyone who sees it that tackling climate change not only pays for itself in savings but also improves global well being”- Claire Byers, Project Everyone”
Project Everyone is a not-for-profit agency that seeks to put the power of great communications behind The Sustainable Development Goals (also known as the Global Goals), accelerating the creation of a fairer world by 2030, where extreme poverty has been eradicated, climate change is properly addressed and injustice and inequality are unacceptable.