Visualising waste worth £3 million

How do you draw attention to the recycling we don't do (but could)? And how can you show people the benefits? West Sussex County Council Waste Management Service wanted an innovative way to reach out to households and approached us for ideas. Starting point was the strap line for the campaign - Think before you throw - and a giant spreadsheet which was trawled for usable data.  

Real World Visuals produced a video, GIF, video extract films and a range of still and print materials for the public engagement campaign. This material is currently being used on social media, in entrances to public libraries, on bill-boards and local news advertising.  

From concepts to finished assets, it has been a really positive experience to work with Real World Visuals.
— Nicola Cosson, West Sussex County Council

The material produced by Real World Visual focused on the central £3 million saving that could be made if more waste was diverted from landfill. Visuals shows the 32,000 tonnes of material wasted each year that could be recycled on a Council-wide as well as house-hold level. 

At this point the main campaign film has had over 43,000 views on Facebook alone, with other posts and ads from the campaign receiving over 130,000 Facebook engagements and impressions from targeted West Sussex residents. The campaign has had 17,989 reactions on Twitter. The analysis for the website engagement is being processed and we look forward to similar hugely positive stats.
— Nic Cosson, West Sussex County Council

To read an interview with the client about the development of this campaign, click here

For more information about Think Before You Throw, from West Sussex County Council Waste Management Service.