Data is boring?

How do you tie messages about carbon emissions and strategies, or waste and recycling challenges, to the real world? You need data - but data doesn’t speak for itself. Real World Visuals work convinces users that data does not need to be boring.

Our images and animations have helped to inform and engage audiences across the business world and civil society. But as well as turning data into visuals we think deeply about how audiences differ. Hence this short ‘promo’ video to highlight how we can help businesses engage - with governments, employees, suppliers, the public and of course their customers.

All use imagery from real customer projects. Find more details on our ‘climate’ and ‘other’ project pages.

Note. The pile of CO₂ ‘bubbles’ in New York are from our award winning film showing New York City’s carbon footprint. The video has been viewed on YouTube over 440,000 times.

Get in touch if we can help your audience, see it, believe it and act on data that is relevant to them.
