Carbon sequestration in the Severn Estuary

We think of estuaries primarily in terms of nature and wildlife.  But estuaries also provide important ecosystem services, for instance the saltmarsh sequesters and stores carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Communicating this to the public is a challenge, but we wanted to have a go…


Real World Visuals was commissioned by WWT Consulting on behalf of the Severn Estuary project partners* to create simple sketches to show how much carbon dioxide is sequestered in the estuary.  But how much carbon dioxide is sequestered by a salt marsh? It turns out to be 21 kg per hectare per day.  And the estuary represents the largest aggregation of salt marsh habitat in the south and southwest of the UK, covering about 1,400 hectares.

Note that these sketches were created to help the group consider options for communication with the public.  These would augment existing words and maps, and would help explore how to broaden the discussion about benefits of ecosystem services provided by the estuary.

*The Severn Estuary project partners are a coalition of organisations that seek to restore the estuary as a healthy functioning ecosystem, valued for its wildlife, habitats and landscapes and also benefiting local communities, places, and economies. 

Further information from the Severn Estuary project partners website.  WWT Consulting website here.